10 août 2009

Squirting and screaming

Suckers for punishment, not having seen enough of the Doctors C and the mini-JeZoids the previous weekend, we set off towards the sun, sand and deep blue sea of the Côte d'Azur on Friday afternoon. Of sun, we saw plenty, but not a grain of sand nor a drop of sea. Two days spent sampling the delights of the French holiday tradition that is the Village de Vacances, venturing out of the security compound only once to visit nearby Fréjus and its Saturday market. Why bother with scratchy sand and salty sea when you've got two swimming pool complexes, complete with slides and safe swimming within three minutes walk?

And so, the weekend was enjoyably spent being regularly subjected to soakings by water pistol and drownings by water nymphs and urchins. As if two mini-JZs wasn't enough to cope with, the caravanning three goldilocks and parents added to the fun. The trip to the market equipped J-junior and Z-minor with weapons, and ensured that we stayed wet even when out of the water. In the piscine, I just about kept my head above water, even with three under-10s clinging to my back. Even an underwater forward roll couldn't dislodge the friendly middle-goldilock, a true water baby.

Mini-J Primus finally allowed us to escape Camp Delta early yesterday evening, once he was assured we were leaving a birthday present behind. We had an uneventful trip home until we neared Lyon, where we were witness to a mid-autoroute road rage incident. No serious consequences, but never cut up a Frenchman on the road...

This morning, we have a little bit of England in Lyon. It's cool, cloudy and damp.