21 août 2009

Blabbering in Blighty

Another weekend, another visit from the good Doctors from Bexleyheath and their energetic offspring came and went. Halving their southbound journey time, they arrived in Lyon before lunchtime, and we all caught an air-conditioned bus to the park. Key detail, the climatisation - it was hot, too hot to traipse around the park and zoo in any comfort. But fun was had nonetheless, and then we went home to sweat in the kitchen cooking roast chicken. 

Our guests left early the next morning, and we followed them to Calais two days later. Uneventful journey, arrival in Cambridge in plenty of time for dinner chez J&C and a gratifying evening's football watching. Wednesday la bienheureuse went off to work, I fiddled and twiddled, and then we enjoyed an evening BBQ chez le grand dude to meet the strapping new arrival for the first time.  And to collect another delivery, my spanking new, spanking fast raincoat computer. 

Thursday the week deteriorated. La bienheureuse worked again, I fiddled and twiddled again, this time with my shiny new toy, and in the evening, Professor Margarita and the Caipirinha Kid came round for dinner for six, lovely lamb by the maître cuisinier himself, and a bouncing bean starter by his faithful sous-chef. Five bottles of wine, several shots of spirits and much drunken rambling later, even the dedicated JeB hit the sack. Or sofa in his case.

And so this morning, ma bien-aimée set off for parts north, leaving me to nurse a guele de bois, fiddle and twiddle some more, and wait for my first real football fix of the season tomorrow...