13 avril 2008

Rising water, sinking hopes

If proof be needed of the amount of rain falling in the area over the last few days, it could be found yesterday by a stroll along the banks of the Rhône. The river was flowing at a tremendous rate and, for the first time since the berges du Rhône were remodelled, the water rose above the level of the quays.

From Les Berges du Rhône

It's something that has happened occasionally in the past, in the days when the lower quays were used primarily as a car park, but not since they were turned into a riverside park. The area of worst flooding happens to be the stretch of river closest to us, so it will be interesting to see how the development copes.

Yesterday was otherwise a surprisingly bright day, warmed by a fair amount of sunshine. We dutifully trundled along to Gerland for the late afternoon match against Rennes and were glad we took sunglasses, but conversely took too many layers. The match was a fairly dull affair. OL took a first half lead but then made the mistake of settling for the one goal win, and les Bretons got a deserved equaliser in injury time. Les gones were not happy. If Bordeaux win today, the lead is cut to four points.

Meanwhile I can't decide whether to go to the pub this afternoon to subject myself to more grief, or to stay at home and sulk in private. Trouble is, if the unlikely happens and another glorious Old Twafford victory is pulled out of the hat I'll be equally upset if I don't go. It's a tough life being a football obsessive...