18 avril 2008

Leaking pipes & creaking joints

A fairly unremarkable week chez nous. Only event of real note, my battle with a leaking pipe. Score so far: leak 3, moi 0. Would never have thought a piddling little leak would be so difficult to plug. Two lessons learned so far:
one: the 'dry' solders & repair mastics available in DIY stores are rubbish.
two: should have called the plumber in the first place.

Actually I still haven't called le plombier. Giving it one last go. Thought I had it beaten last night when it stayed dry when I turned the water back on. Problem is that it's in a hot water pipe, and as soon as a hot tap was run a veritable fountain sprung up from what is a mere pinhole.

Speaking of pinholes, la bienheureuse now has knees full of them. She finally got round to going back to le medicin earlier in the week, to try and get her troublesome knees sorted out. Our local GP specialises in a rather bizarre treatment called mésothérapie, which involves using short (3mm) needles to inject medicine just beneath the skin. La bienheureuse thus came home with a rash of red dots all around her knees. However, a more in-depth diagnosis does seem to be also on the cards as the doctor also sent her for an x-ray, with a scan possibly to follow later if necessary.

Meanwhile, sucker for punishment, I'm off this evening on another flying cross-channel visit to the new home of football. Back early on Sunday, in time to spend a few hours with the wife before she jets off to Rostock on Monday for a 4 day work jolly.