27 février 2008

A finished floor

Yesterday, 1 year, 7 months and 12 days after the great flood of 2006, and 15 months after they began, the renovations finally reached an end. Well almost. In fact it was just the finishing touches to the parquet that remained to be done - essentially filling in gaps between strips of parquet. Regular phone calls since Christmas to the parqueteurs finally produced a result, and Eric le parqueteur arrived yesterday morning, spent 90 mins whistling and working, and finally left for the last time. I shall miss him...

I say almost, because there is still a bit of tidying up to be done before it all looks absolutely nickel, as they say here. But my friend Eric left me with a full tube of special parquet mastic and a lesson on how to apply it. Might be finished in another 6 months then...