21 janvier 2008

The roofbox and the car park

A very mild and sunny weekend in Lyon, though we neglected to take advantage of the weather, due in part to la bienheureuse suffering from a rather bad cold, which I suspect almost qualifies as la grippe. She has however managed to struggle in to work today and is still intending to fly off to l'allemagne this evening for 3 days. Feels obliged to do so, given that she is organising the meeting.

Our one burst of activity was on Saturday morning, when we decided to get up early and take the car to the nearby shopping centre to effect the purchase of a rowing machine/bike trainer (belated attempt to regain a bit of fitness for the skiing & shed a bit of excess poids). Duly reached the multi-storey car park with our other recent purchase still attached to the roof.

Big mistake - height limit was 1.80m, and the barrier refused us entry despite the fact that I estimate the height of car & box to be 1.79m. And of course, by the time we'd realised this and had a short discussion via intercom with the attendant there was a lengthy queue of cars behind us and no way to back out...

Fortunately, there was a small inlet just in front of the barriers, which we could back into and allow space for other cars to squeeze past. Only solution - remove the roof box, put it into the back of the car (easier said than done given that it is almost the same length as the car interior, but by winding the passenger seat all the way forward we just managed it), drive through the car park because there was now no room in car for roofbox and new purchase, drive home, dump the box in the garage, & drive back again. We finally bought our new toy & got home two hours after setting out. Would have been quicker to wheel it home on foot...