10 décembre 2007

The Lights of Lyon

So, after 3 evenings spent trudging the streets of Lyon with la bienheureuse et la belle-mère, La Fête des Lumières is over once more. Impressions? Mixed, I'd say, an average year. Fewer big set-pieces, but perhaps a more varied selection. For instance, on the main day, the 8th we went to watch a wierd & wonderful mechanical caterpillar inhabited by what appeared to be deep sea divers making its way along one of the main roads. Short video below.

Another short video of part of the show projected onto the façade of the Préfecture du Rhone, perhaps the most impressive display:

Still photos of some of the other displays here on Noonadek.com, including the popular phone box fish tank. The weather was mostly somewhat less unkind than forecast. Thursday we stayed more or less dry, Friday we would have done apart from an abrupt and violent squall, which lasted about 10 minutes but managed to completely blow away everything on the food stall we were sheltering near. Saturday night there was light, intermittent rain, inconvenient but not unduly unpleasant.