13 décembre 2007

Les lumières brillaient, plus ou moins

La Fête des Lumières, version 2007, was a rather average millésime, a bit of a mixed bag. The organisers this year tried to make it a more accessible, personal event. Some of the big, set-piece displays in recent years have led to pedestrian bouchons - traffic jams - in some places, most notably around Place des Terreaux. A couple of years ago we had to give up trying to get in to watch what was a rather impressive show one evening because the crush of people trying to get into and out of the square was too great.

Thus this year, instead we had a giant disco ball in Place des Terreaux instead, which proved somewhat less of a draw, and a sea of illuminated blue ballons in Place St-Jean instead of the usual projected show on the façade of the cathedral. But there were still impressive displays here, and quirky ones there, including a giant mechanical caterpillar inhabited by deep-sea divers and welders. And in the final analysis, more people than ever were out on the streets to watch it all...