14 mars 2013

Tempered spring

Spring is in the air, but hasn't quite arrived yet. Temperatures climbed to 18C the day la petite reached two years as if in celebration, but a week later they have plunged back down to barely above freezing. Brr, but at least the sun has been more in evidence over the last fortnight.

There was a double celebration for the second birthday. First with les petits copains at the crèche, and then back home with immediate family. Two cakes, two lots of candles successfully blown out and, err, a number of presents. Over-excitement was the order of the evening, but she eventually went to sleep.

The terrible twos seemingly started several weeks early. Tantrums are beginning to rear their ugly head, usually with no obvious cause. The first public one came and went with bewildering speed last weekend when we all went swimming. It was la petite coquinette herself who decided it was time to get out of the pool and go home, so all the more disconcerting that getting her dried and changed provoked a screaming fit. Hope we don't have to get too used to it…

Today, another minor tantrum after breakfast, followed by some sulking under the table. Soon cheered up though, and was sweetness personified the rest of the morning. Perhaps she was missing granny, who flew home yesterday after two weeks that passed quickly on all sides. Marmalade was made, kitchen thoroughly spring-cleaned, birthday cake baked. Surprising how useful a third adult is when coping with bringing up a single toddler.