03 février 2012


"Le Grand Froid" has well and truly set in. Daytime temperatures yesterday didn't get above -4C, and dropped overnight to minus seven. The central heating is working overtime, and a biting northerly windchill factor of minus ten reduced our daily promenade to fifteen minutes from fear of baby getting home with frozen cheeks. And it's forecast to continue for another week. Brr. On the plus side, clear blue sky was sighted today in Lyon for the first time this year. A small corner of the apartment even saw sunshine.

Indoors we met the nanny from downstairs this morning. Nice lady, if a little brutally honest about my French. "It isn't any better after ten years?" So soon la petite coquinette will start learning to speak the local lingo better than her father, and start learning to share toys and playtime with a couple of little copains. And papa will rediscover free time. By which I mean time to write, of course...