18 juin 2011


Perhaps it was the lunar eclipse and the associated full moon. The day after, a little angel turned into a little monster for three hours. Or perhaps it was the fact that her mother was working out of town and thus didn't get home in time for the usual bedtime routine. Earlier in the day she was a perfect little sweetheart - went down for morning and lunchtime naps with nary a whimper, slept well, played, shouted and gurgled happily all day. Until 4pm when I tried to put her to bed for the usual siesta.

Not playing: "I shall thcweam and thcweam until papa is thick".

Okay, papa gives in, gives his little angel some of her tea early, gets back on track and then tries to put her to bed at around the normal time. And it worked. For five minutes. And so it continued for the next hour. Blissful silence as soon as I pick her up, full volume yelling as soon as I try putting her in the cot. Eventually la bienheureuse gets home and immediately has a baby thrust into her arms.

"Here, she's yours."

And of course, she was asleep ten minutes later. Since then that switch which turns la petite off for a nap has gone slightly faulty. Now she usually needs an extra few minutes of cuddling before she'll accept being put into bed. No great hardship, and perhaps she was too kind to us early in her life…