22 février 2010

Keeping count

As the weather in Lyon finally seems to be tending towards spring, so the winter Olympics dominate the TV and sporting news. La France was rather pleased with itself early on - 7 medals, including 2 golds, garnered during the first 3 days.  After the feast, the famine. No French medals to celebrate between Tuesday and Saturday. Redemption on Sunday in the form of the biathlon, again. At last another medal, silver this time.

From sporting escape to goal break. The famous escapee of last year, Jean-Pierre Treiber, was found hanged in his cell on Saturday, so ending his life in a blaze of publicity to match that surrounding 3 months on the run from prison last year and the original double murder of two women (including a well known actress) of which he was accused. In a note allegedly found in his cell, he continues to claim innocence. The truth will probably never be known...

Domestically, life in Lyon trundles along. We had dinner out on Saturday, for the first time in months, and sampled a smart new Italian restaurant a few minutes walk from the apartment. Very nice Mon Bistrot Italien was too, even if it was second choice, suggested by the restaurant I originally chose, which is closed Saturdays. Note to organiser, check opening hours first. The upset stomach suffered afterwards was not believed to be connected with Italian food, rather the bad domestic habit of consuming food well after the sell-by date. HP sauce the prime suspect on this occasion, though the bacon butties were very nice. Thus physical activity on Sunday was restricted to a gentle walk and an afternoon's sleuthing in the cinema.

Finally, a small red letter day today - 10 merveilleux ans de vie ensemble. Congratulations to ma bien-aimée for putting up with me so long. A small celebration in order this evening...