16 octobre 2009

A chill wind...

Autumn was brief. A week last Wednesday the maximum temperature in Lyon was 26C. Yesterday there was a morning frost and the thermometer failed to make it into double figures. And there's a biting north wind howling down the river. Brr, even if the sun has shone continuously. The heating finally went on yesterday.

As you can tell from the chat about the weather, it's been a quiet week. La bienheureuse spent three days in Germany, where it was even colder, leaving me to fiddle and faddle as usual at home. My days were an exciting mixture of grocery shopping, completing the latest rewrite, and spending time up a ladder doing a bit of ceiling cleaning.

In the wider world, the Sarkozy fils affair rumbles on with little sign of letting up. Sarkozy père gave an interview to Le Figaro saying that it was him, not his son, who was the main target of the snipers. Monsieur Le Président is seen as being under some pressure at the moment. A left-wing politician rather aptly paraphrased his Le Figaro interview as "I, Nicolas Sarkozy, singlehandedly beat the credit crisis, moralized capitalsm, and the whole world is obviously following my example. All these other trifles like mass unemployment, personal debt, huge public deficits, they're the fault of others and the crisis. It's not me who needs to change, it's others."

Meanwhile, this morning farmers blocked the Champs-Elysées and dumped a thousand cubic metres of soil in the centre of Poitiers in protest about their plight; the fugitive accused of a high profile murder is still on the run and thumbing his nose at the police six weeks after escaping from prison; and the Clearstream trial rumbles on...