13 mars 2008

Driving lessons cancelled

Rather noisy round here this afternoon, car horns have been sounding continuously since lunchtime. A stroll into town to do some shopping showed why. A mass demonstration by driving instructors caused a near total gridlock in the streets nearby. They were protesting against a lack of driving test examiners and government reforms to the driving test.

And how did they protest? In typically French fashion, by first driving slowly en masse up and down the main roads, and then finally by parking all along the main riverside roads, blocking all but one lane...

Not an afternoon to be driving in Lyon, which, ahem, la bienheureuse will be doing soon, on the way back from a meeting in an out of town hotel. Fortunately the protest seems to be over and the roads are starting to clear. It's got quieter, at least...

Talking of gridlocked roads and traffic jams meanwhile, we are keeping our fingers crossed that the Sea France strike will come to an end soon. In little more than a month we are booked on a Sea France ferry to Dover. Far enough ahead to not worry too much about yet, but the current grève has dragged on for over 2 weeks so far...