14 novembre 2007

Footnote (and footmark) to a renovation

Today marked the final bit of renovation work following the famous flood of 2006. Or should have done.

Earlier this year we began to notice that a small area of the parquet was starting to warp & deform. Gradually it deteriorated to the extent that we contacted our insurance expert who told us it was down to the company that carried out the work to make good the repairs. Monsieur le patron wasn't best pleased at being told it was down to him to cover the cost, but he agreed it needed doing, so today the parqueteur arrived to do the job. I'm still not entirely convinced le patron won't try to charge us, but on verra...

Anyway, le parqueteur has been sanding, varnishing and screwing (with a screwdriver rather than any other tool that may have sprung to mind, I hasten to say) away most of the day. All to the continual accompaniment of his own, occasionally tuneful, whistling and singing. He finally gave me a tour of completed works in the middle of the afternoon, carefully pointing out that we mustn't walk on the final coat of varnish for 2 days. So of course, what does muggins here do? Yup, immediately plant one great footprint in the middle of it all...

In fact, he decided to leave plugging up the gaps that have opened between some of the parquet 'lames' till the new year, just in case there is still a bit of humidity left underneath that needs to escape. So final tidying up (including owner's footprint) to follow...